Mr Funky Teacher Internet Classroom

Math Practice

A.Place values and number sense

  1. Convert between standard and expanded form
  2. Place value
  3. New! Relationship between place values
  4. Compare numbers up to billions
  5. Writing numbers in words: convert words to digits
  6. Writing numbers in words: convert digits to words
  7. Spell word names for numbers up to one million
  8. Roman numerals
  9. Rounding
  10. Even or odd: arithmetic rules
  11. Scientific notation

B.Addition and subtraction

  1. Add and subtract whole numbers up to billions
  2. Add and subtract whole numbers: word problems
  3. Complete addition and subtraction sentences
  4. Fill in the missing digits
  5. Choose numbers with a particular sum or difference
  6. Properties of addition
  7. Add using properties
  8. Estimate sums and differences of whole numbers
  9. Estimate sums and differences: word problems


  1. Multiply by 1-digit numbers
  2. Multiply by 1-digit numbers: word problems
  3. Multiplication patterns over increasing place values
  4. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes
  5. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
  6. Properties of multiplication
  7. Multiply using properties
  8. Choose numbers with a particular product
  9. Estimate products
  10. Estimate products: word problems
  11. Box multiplication
  12. Lattice multiplication
  13. Multiply by 2-digit numbers: complete the missing steps
  14. Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  15. Multiply 2-digit numbers by 3-digit numbers
  16. Multiply 2-digit numbers by larger numbers
  17. Multiply by 2-digit numbers: word problems
  18. Multiply three or more numbers up to 2 digits each
  19. Multiply by 3-digit numbers
  20. Multiply three numbers up to 3 digits each
  21. Multiply three or more numbers: word problems
  22. Inequalities with multiplication
  23. Multiplication input/output tables
  24. Multiplication input/output tables: find the rule


  1. Division facts to 12
  2. Division facts to 12: word problems
  3. Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
  4. Divide multi-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers: word problems
  5. Divide by 1-digit numbers: interpret remainders
  6. Division patterns over increasing place values
  7. Divide numbers ending in zeroes
  8. Divide numbers ending in zeroes: word problems
  9. Estimate quotients: 2-digit divisors
  10. Estimate quotients
  11. Estimate quotients: word problems
  12. Divide by 2-digit numbers using models
  13. Divide by 2-digit numbers using partial quotients
  14. Divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  15. Divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems
  16. Divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
  17. Divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers: word problems
  18. Adjust quotients
  19. Multi-step word problems: multiplicative comparison
  20. Relate multiplication and division
  21. Complete the division sentence: 2-digit divisors
  22. Choose numbers with a particular quotient


  1. Understanding powers of ten
  2. Evaluate powers of ten
  3. Write powers of ten with exponents
  4. Multiply a whole number by a power of ten: with exponents
  5. Multiply a decimal by a power of ten: with exponents
  6. Divide by a power of ten: with exponents
  7. Multiply and divide by a power of ten: with exponents
  8. Understanding exponents
  9. Evaluate exponents
  10. Find the missing exponent or base

F.Number theory

  1. Identify factors
  2. Prime and composite numbers
  3. Prime factorization
  4. Prime factorization with exponents
  5. Divisibility rules
  6. Divisibility rules: word problems
  7. Find all the factor pairs of a number
  8. Greatest common factor
  9. Greatest common factor of three numbers
  10. Least common multiple
  11. Least common multiple of three or four numbers


  1. What decimal number is illustrated?
  2. Model decimals and fractions
  3. Place value models for decimal numbers
  4. Understanding decimals expressed in words
  5. Place values in decimal numbers
  6. Relationship between decimal place values
  7. Convert decimals between standard and expanded form
  8. Compose and decompose decimals in multiple ways
  9. Equivalent decimals
  10. Round decimals
  11. Decimal number lines
  12. Compare decimals using grids
  13. Compare decimals on number lines
  14. Compare decimal numbers
  15. Put decimal numbers in order
  16. Compare, order, and round decimals: word problems
  17. Convert fractions to decimals
  18. Convert mixed numbers to decimals
  19. Convert decimals to fractions
  20. Convert decimals to mixed numbers
  21. Convert decimals between standard and expanded form using fractions
  22. Compare decimals and fractions on number lines
  23. Compare decimals and fractions
  24. Number sequences involving decimals
  25. Repeating decimals
  26. Put a mix of decimals and fractions in order
  27. Put a mix of decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers in order

H.Add and subtract decimals

  1. Add decimal numbers using blocks
  2. Add decimal numbers
  3. New! Subtract decimal numbers using blocks
  4. Subtract decimal numbers
  5. Add and subtract decimal numbers
  6. Add and subtract decimals: word problems
  7. Choose decimals with a particular sum or difference
  8. Complete the decimal addition or subtraction sentence
  9. Inequalities with decimal addition and subtraction
  10. Estimate sums and differences of decimals using rounding
  11. Estimate sums and differences of decimals using benchmarks

I.Multiply decimals

  1. Estimate products of whole numbers and decimals
  2. Estimate products of decimals
  3. Multiply a decimal by a power of ten
  4. Multiply by 0.1 or 0.01
  5. Multiply by a power of ten with decimals: find the missing number
  6. Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number using blocks
  7. Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number using the distributive property
  8. Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number
  9. Multiply a decimal by a two-digit whole number using area models
  10. Multiply a decimal by a multi-digit whole number
  11. Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems
  12. Multiply three or more numbers, one of which is a decimal
  13. Complete the decimal multiplication sentence using grids
  14. Multiply decimals using grids
  15. Multiply two decimals: where does the decimal point go?
  16. Multiply two decimals: products up to hundredths
  17. Multiply two decimals: products up to thousandths
  18. Inequalities with decimal multiplication: products up to hundredths
  19. Inequalities with decimal multiplication: products up to thousandths


J.Divide decimals

  1. Divide by powers of ten
  2. Decimal division patterns over increasing place values
  3. Divide by a power of ten with decimals: find the missing number
  4. Divide decimals using blocks: complete the equation
  5. Divide decimals using area models: complete the equation
  6. Division with decimal quotients
  7. Division with decimal quotients and rounding
  8. Division with decimal quotients: word problems
  9. Estimate decimal quotients
  10. Divide by 0.1 or 0.01
  11. Divide by decimals without adding zeroes
  12. Divide by decimals

K.Fractions and mixed numbers

  1. Fractions review
  2. Fractions of a whole: word problems
  3. Fractions of a group: word problems
  4. Equivalent fractions
  5. Write fractions in lowest terms
  6. Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
  7. Least common denominator
  8. Graph and compare fractions on number lines
  9. Compare fractions using benchmarks
  10. Compare fractions and mixed numbers
  11. Put fractions in order
  12. Addition and subtraction patterns with fractions
  13. Multiplication patterns with fractions
  14. Round mixed numbers
  15. Reciprocals
  16. Relate division and fractions
  17. Understand fractions as division: word problems

L.Add and subtract fractions

  1. Decompose fractions multiple ways
  2. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators using number lines
  3. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
  4. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: word problems
  5. Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators
  6. Add fractions with unlike denominators using models
  7. Add up to 4 fractions with denominators of 10 and 100
  8. Add fractions with unlike denominators
  9. Subtract fractions with unlike denominators using models
  10. Estimate sums and differences of fractions using benchmarks
  11. Subtract fractions with unlike denominators
  12. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: word problems
  13. Add 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators
  14. Add 3 or more fractions: word problems
  15. Compare sums and differences of unit fractions
  16. Complete addition and subtraction sentences with fractions
  17. Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions
  18. Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers
  19. Add mixed numbers with unlike denominators
  20. Subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators
  21. Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems
  22. Add and subtract fractions in recipes
  23. Complete addition and subtraction sentences with mixed numbers
  24. Inequalities with addition and subtraction of mixed numbers

M.Multiply fractions

  1. Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines
  2. Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models
  3. Multiples of unit fractions: find the missing numbers
  4. Multiply unit fractions and whole numbers: sorting
  5. Multiply fractions by whole numbers using arrays
  6. Multiply fractions by whole numbers using number lines
  7. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers: choose the model
  8. Multiply fractions by whole numbers using models: complete the equation
  9. Multiples of fractions: find the missing numbers
  10. Multiply fractions and whole numbers: sorting
  11. Multiply fractions by whole numbers I
  12. Multiply fractions by whole numbers II
  13. Multiply fractions by whole numbers: word problems
  14. Multiply fractions by whole numbers: input/output tables
  15. Fractions of a number I
  16. Fractions of a number: word problems
  17. Fractions of a number II
  18. Multiply two unit fractions using models
  19. Multiply two fractions using models: fill in the missing factor
  20. Multiply two fractions using models
  21. Multiply two fractions
  22. Multiply two fractions: word problems
  23. Scaling whole numbers by fractions: justify your answer
  24. Scaling whole numbers by fractions
  25. Scaling fractions by fractions
  26. Scaling mixed numbers by fractions
  27. New! Scaling by fractions and mixed numbers
  28. Multiply three or more fractions and whole numbers
  29. Complete the fraction multiplication sentence I
  30. Complete the fraction multiplication sentence II
  31. Understand fraction multiplication and area
  32. Multiply fractions to find area
  33. Estimate products of mixed numbers
  34. Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using a model I
  35. Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using a model II
  36. Multiply with mixed numbers using area models
  37. Multiply a mixed number by a whole number
  38. Multiply a mixed number by a fraction
  39. Multiply two mixed numbers
  40. New! Multiply mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers
  41. Multiply three or more mixed numbers, fractions, and whole numbers
  42. Multiplication with mixed numbers: word problems
  43. Multiply fractions and mixed numbers in recipes

N.Divide fractions

  1. Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models
  2. Divide unit fractions by whole numbers
  3. Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using models
  4. Divide whole numbers by unit fractions
  5. Divide unit fractions and whole numbers using area models
  6. Divide unit fractions and whole numbers
  7. Divide unit fractions and whole numbers: word problems
  8. Divide fractions by whole numbers
  9. Divide whole numbers by fractions
  10. Divide two fractions
  11. Divide fractions and mixed numbers
  12. Divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

O.Mixed operations

  1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers
  2. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers: word problems
  3. Write numerical expressions: one operation
  4. Write numerical expressions: two operations
  5. Evaluate numerical expressions
  6. Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses
  7. Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses and brackets
  8. Identify mistakes involving the order of operations
  9. Evaluate numerical expressions with parentheses in different places
  10. Missing operators
  11. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
  12. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals: word problems
  13. Equations with mixed operations: true or false
  14. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers
  15. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems

P.Problem solving

  1. Make the largest possible quotient
  2. Write numerical expressions for word problems
  3. Multi-step word problems
  4. Multi-step word problems involving remainders
  5. Multi-step word problems: identify reasonable answers
  6. Word problems with extra or missing information
  7. Guess-and-check problems
  8. Find the order
  9. Use Venn diagrams to solve problems


  1. What percentage is illustrated?
  2. Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals
  3. Percent of a number


  1. Add and subtract money amounts
  2. Add and subtract money: word problems
  3. Add and subtract money: multi-step word problems
  4. Multiply money amounts
  5. Multiply money amounts: word problems
  6. Multiply money amounts: multi-step word problems
  7. Divide money amounts
  8. Divide money amounts: word problems
  9. Price lists
  10. Unit prices
  11. Find the number of each type of coin


S.Number sequences

  1. Use a rule to complete a number sequence
  2. Compare patterns
  3. Complete an increasing number sequence
  4. Complete a geometric number sequence
  5. Number sequences: word problems
  6. Number sequences: mixed review

T.Coordinate plane

  1. Describe the coordinate plane
  2. Objects on a coordinate plane
  3. Graph points on a coordinate plane
  4. Graph points from a table
  5. Use a rule to complete a table and a graph
  6. Analyze graphed relationships
  7. Coordinate planes as maps
  8. Follow directions on a coordinate plane

U.Variable expressions

  1. Write variable expressions
  2. Write variable expressions: word problems
  3. Evaluate variable expressions
  4. Write variable equations: word problems
  5. Solve equations with whole numbers
  6. Solve equations with decimals
  7. Find a value using two-variable equations
  8. Complete a table for a two-variable relationship
  9. Complete a table from a graph
  10. Graph patterns using rules
  11. Graph a two-variable relationship
  12. Write a two-variable equation

V.Data and graphs

  1. Read a table
  2. Interpret line graphs
  3. Create line graphs
  4. Interpret bar graphs
  5. Interpret bar graphs: multi-step problems
  6. Create bar graphs
  7. Interpret pictographs
  8. Create pictographs
  9. Interpret line plots
  10. Create line plots
  11. Create and interpret line plots with fractions
  12. Interpret frequency charts: one-step problems
  13. Interpret frequency charts: multi-step problems
  14. Create frequency charts
  15. Interpret stem-and-leaf plots
  16. Create stem-and-leaf plots

W.Probability and statistics

  1. Find the mode
  2. Find the mean
  3. Find the median
  4. Find the range
  5. Mean: find the missing number
  6. Median: find the missing number
  7. Range: find the missing number
  8. Interpret charts and graphs to find the mode
  9. Interpret charts and graphs to find the mean
  10. Interpret charts and graphs to find the median
  11. Interpret charts and graphs to find the range
  12. Understanding probability
  13. Find the probability
  14. Make predictions
  15. Combinations


  1. Convert time units
  2. Add and subtract mixed time units
  3. Time zones
  4. Elapsed time
  5. Find start and end times: word problems
  6. Schedules and timelines

Y.Units of measurement

  1. Choose the appropriate customary unit of measure
  2. Compare and convert customary units of length
  3. Compare and convert customary units of weight
  4. Compare and convert customary units of volume
  5. Compare and convert customary units
  6. Conversion tables – customary units
  7. Compare customary units by multiplying
  8. Convert customary units involving fractions
  9. Convert mixed customary units
  10. Add and subtract mixed customary units
  11. Multi-step problems with customary unit conversions
  12. Choose the appropriate metric unit of measure
  13. Compare and convert metric units of length
  14. Compare and convert metric units of weight
  15. Compare and convert metric units of volume
  16. Compare and convert metric units
  17. Convert metric units involving decimals
  18. Conversion tables – metric units
  19. Convert metric mixed units
  20. Add and subtract metric mixed units
  21. Multi-step problems with metric unit conversions
  22. Multi-step problems with customary or metric unit conversions
  23. Understanding cubic units
  24. Reasonable temperature – Celsius and Fahrenheit

Z.Two-dimensional figures

  1. Is it a polygon?
  2. Number of sides in polygons
  3. Regular and irregular polygons
  4. Points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles
  5. Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines
  6. Types of angles
  7. Angles of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees
  8. Measure angles with a protractor
  9. Sort polygons into Venn diagrams
  10. Properties of polygons
  11. Parts of a circle

AA.Triangles and quadrilaterals

  1. Acute, obtuse, and right triangles
  2. Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
  3. Classify triangles
  4. Parallel sides in quadrilaterals
  5. Identify parallelograms
  6. Identify trapezoids
  7. Identify rectangles
  8. Identify rhombuses
  9. Classify quadrilaterals
  10. Draw quadrilaterals
  11. Identify the relationships between quadrilaterals
  12. Describe relationships among quadrilaterals

BB.Symmetry and transformations

  1. Line symmetry
  2. Rotational symmetry
  3. Rotational symmetry: amount of rotation
  4. Reflection, rotation, and translation
  5. Identify congruent and similar figures

CC.Three-dimensional figures

  1. Identify three-dimensional figures
  2. Count vertices, edges, and faces
  3. Nets of three-dimensional figures
  4. Three-dimensional figures viewed from different perspectives

DD.Geometric measurement

  1. Perimeter with whole number side lengths
  2. Perimeter with decimal side lengths
  3. Perimeter with fractional side lengths
  4. Perimeter of figures on grids
  5. Area of squares and rectangles
  6. Area of squares and rectangles with fractions
  7. Area of triangles
  8. Area of parallelograms and trapezoids
  9. Area of compound figures
  10. Area between two rectangles
  11. Area of figures on grids
  12. Area and perimeter: word problems
  13. Volume of rectangular prisms made of unit cubes
  14. Volume of irregular figures made of unit cubes
  15. Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms
  16. Volume of compound figures
  17. Relationship between volume and the area of the base: word problems
  18. Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms: word problems
  19. Compare volumes and dimensions of rectangular prisms: word problems
  20. Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms with decimal side lengths
  21. Surface area

EE.Financial literacy

  1. Income and payroll taxes: understanding pay stubs
  2. Income and payroll taxes: word problems
  3. Sales and property taxes: word problems
  4. Identify types of taxes
  5. Understand gross and net income
  6. Calculate gross and net income
  7. Identify advantages and disadvantages of payment methods
  8. Evaluate payment methods
  9. Reading financial records
  10. Keeping financial records
  11. Balance a budget
  12. Adjust a budget
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